A love addict typically confuses love with physical and sexual attraction. They often get involved in one relationship after another or have more than one sexual or emotional relationship at a time. Love addicts maybe insecure or desperate for the sensation of connection with others, sometimes even clinging to unavailable people, or even stalking them. Furthermore, because of their fear of loss of connection and how to lose a partner may them feel, they are often unable to end a relationship, even with an abusive or violent partner.
These individuals tend to get “high” from romance and experience mood states typical for the early “honeymoon” stages of intense romantic love. They may subconsciously be engaging in relationships to forget or erase their life challenges or feelings.
A 2010 review estimates that between 3% and 6% of the general adult population experiences love addiction. Contact Holina today for more information on our love addiction treatment here in Thailand.
Recent research suggests that romantic love can be addictive. Although the exact nature of the relationship between love and addiction has been described in inconsistent terms throughout the literature, we offer a framework that distinguishes between a narrow view and a broad view of love addiction. The narrow view counts only the most extreme, harmful forms of love or love-related behaviours as being potentially addictive.
The broad view, by contrast, counts even basic social attachment as being on a spectrum of addictive motivations, underwritten by similar neurochemical processes as more conventional addictions. We argue that on either understanding of love-as-addiction, treatment decisions should hinge on considerations of harm and well-being rather than on definitions of disease. Implications for the ethical use of anti-love biotechnology are considered.
Source – National Libary Of Medicine
Love addiction is an obsession for both giving and also receiving love, which leads to a compulsive search to love and be loved. This obsessive and compulsive behavioural pattern and involves an excessive and unhealthy interest in a romantic partner and seeking connection, usually in a selfish or even harmful way.
If you’re wondering whether you may be dating someone with a love addiction, there are a few signs and symptoms to look out for that we see in our love addiction treatment:
Because people with love addiction seek to engage in co-dependent relationships that quickly become toxic, cross healthy boundaries, and can lead to distressing situations, typically with vulnerable people who are also seeking romantic connection (healthy or unhealthy), they can manipulate their prospective partners into becoming dependent upon them, emotionally, financially, or otherwise.
הולינה, מרכז החלמה הוליסטית בשיטת 12 השלבים, הגישה לעבודה קבוצתית מאורגנת בקפידה על מנת לתמוך בצרכים המגוונים של לקוחותיה באמצעות מודל טיפולי רחב והוליסטי.